Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My First Blog

About a year ago, I decided to create a blog as a way for my first grade students to communicate with author, Ron Hirschi, who had begun sending us sea creature mysteries. You can see this blog at http://authorvisit.blogspot.com.

What began as a simple communication tool soon developed into so much more.The blog served as documentation of our adventures and eventually became a basis of a book the students wrote. Students were eager to research by reading expository texts and then writing drafts for their blogging times at the computer, even during their recess time. The blog had participation from students, teachers, parents, and grandparents in our own town and in other parts of the world as close as Ohio and as far away as Australia. A highlight for us was when David Sharos, a reporter, from the Chicago Tribune called because he had heard about our blog. He interviewed me about our blogging efforts and a photographer came to take photos of the students in action. But the capstone was the school visit made by Ron Hirschi!