Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Beach Boys - TV Show Medley - April 1965

A favorite early "rock" group of the class is The Beach Boys.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

All My Lovin'- The Beatles- Ed Sullivan

I remember The Beatles like this. I remember watching them on the Ed Sullivan show. I was even part of their fan club and received magazines about them. Is this how you remember The Beatles?

Buddy Holly - That ll Be the Day

Another music legend...How does this music compare to today's "rock" music?

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (Music Video)

This summer, 7th graders in first period "music" as their non-fiction study. You know...legends like Billie Holiday, Buddy Holly, Elvis, and the Beatles.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Voice Threads

I came across a new technology today called Voice Threads. It has lots of possibilities in the classroom and is free to educators.I found the set-up to be extremely easy and the html code for embedding the thread into a blog is given in a large and small viewing size.Look below for an example, Moments with Maniac Magee.

You can click on my photo to the left to hear my voice. You can zoom in on the book cover by clicking on it.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Armstrong Retreat

Dear Fellow Armstrong Educators,
Welcome to the Blogosphere - a part of the Web 2.0 known as the read/write web. The use of Weblogs is now exploding; blogs are being used in corporations, government, the media and among private citizens. Educators need to understand their importance as information sources and how to safely become and have students become part of this culture. Technorati.com, a search engine that monitors blogs, tracked more than 15.9 million Weblogs last August, and found that the number had doubled in six months. (Now there are more than 50 million blogs!) Approximately 80,000 blogs are created worldwide each day, which translates to a new blog every second. The Pew Internet & American Life Project found further that blog readership now exceeds 27 percent of all Internet users, and 12 percent of users have posted comments. So how do we use blogs in an educational setting?

One way is for us to first become bloggers. I invite you to PBS.org's Media Infusion. This month I am their guest moderator. Read through the blog, check out the resource links, and add a comment. Be sure to hit the refresh button so you can watch your comment and those of others as they are added.

If you have any remaining time, check out the "Read what you need" section for past Media Infusion blogs.

Happy Blogging...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Manning Family PSA

This is an example of a video added to a blog. This is one of my favorite Public Service Announcements for reading.